5 Hot Weather Safety Tips for Pets

pets in the heat scale

It’s getting hot, hot, hot–and warm weather doesn’t just affect humans! High temperatures can cause serious health problems for our pets if we don’t keep them cool. Follow these tips to keep your pets safe all summer long:

1. Don’t leave your pet in the car, even on mild days. Vehicle interiors heat up dangerously quickly when the sun is out.

2. Beware of hot pavement on sensitive toes: check pavement temperatures with the palm of your hand before taking your pup for a walk.

3. Don’t shave all their hair off! It may seem like a good idea to to give your pet a drastic new ‘do, but their hair actually keeps them cool by protecting them from the sun’s rays. Talk with our groomers about the style that is best for your breed.

4. Avoid over-exercising. Physical exertion is more taxing when it’s warm. Take it slow and exercise early in the morning or later in the evening when it’s cooler.

5. Provide plenty of water at all times. Pets need to stay hydrated just like we do, and that need for water becomes more critical in the heat.

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